Navigating the complex world of dating and relationships can be both exhilarating and confusing.

One of the biggest challenges is determining whether someone is genuinely interested in you romantically or if they're simply not into you.

In this blog post, we will explore various signs and cues that can help you decipher someone's true intentions and save you from heartache.

1. Active Engagement in Conversation

When someone is genuinely interested in you, they actively engage in conversations. They ask questions, listen attentively, and show a real desire to get to know you better. If you find yourself doing most of the talking or their responses feel disinterested, it might be a sign they're not romantically inclined.

2. Consistent Communication

Consistency in communication is a strong indicator of interest. If the person consistently reaches out, initiates conversations, and responds promptly, it's a positive sign. Conversely, sporadic or infrequent communication may signify a lack of romantic interest.

3. Effort to Spend Time Together

Someone interested in you will make an effort to spend time with you. They'll suggest plans, seek opportunities to meet, and prioritize spending quality time together. If you often find yourself making all the plans and initiating meetups, it may indicate a lack of interest on their part.

4. Engages in Flirting and Compliments

Flirting is a common way people express romantic interest. Pay attention to playful teasing, compliments, and subtle physical contact (like light touches on the arm) during your interactions. These signs often indicate romantic attraction.

5. Initiates Physical Contact

Physical touch is a powerful way to gauge romantic interest. If the person initiates hugs, holds your hand, or leans in for a kiss, it's a clear indication that they're attracted to you. Lack of physical contact doesn't necessarily mean disinterest, but it might signify a slower pace in the relationship.

6. Makes Future Plans

Someone who sees a future with you will discuss plans and make commitments. They'll talk about upcoming events, trips, or milestones that involve both of you. If the person avoids discussing future plans or seems non-committal, it's a potential red flag.

7. Introduces You to Friends and Family

Meeting friends and family is a significant step in a relationship. When someone is serious about you, they'll introduce you to their inner circle as a way of including you in their life. If they keep you separate from their loved ones, it may signal a lack of commitment.

8. They Remember Details About You

Pay attention to whether the person remembers small details about your life, like your favorite coffee order, a significant date such as your birthday or anniversary, or your hobbies. Remembering and referencing these details shows genuine interest in your life and experiences.

9. They Respect Your Boundaries

A person interested in you will respect your boundaries and make an effort not to push you into situations or commitments you're uncomfortable with. They prioritise your comfort and consent.

10. Openness About Their Own Feelings

Someone genuinely interested in you won't shy away from expressing their feelings or intentions. They'll be open about their attraction and their desire to explore a romantic relationship. Lack of transparency or mixed signals can indicate uncertainty.

11. Consistency in Behavior

Consistency in behavior is a critical factor. Pay attention to whether their actions and words align. If they express interest one day and pull away the next, it could be a sign of mixed feelings or wavering interest.

12. They Make an Effort to Resolve Conflicts

Healthy relationships inevitably encounter conflicts. Someone who values the relationship will make an effort to resolve disagreements rather than avoid or dismiss them.

13. Support and Encouragement

When someone is genuinely interested in you, they'll support your dreams and encourage you to pursue your passions and goals. They'll be your cheerleader and believe in your potential.

14. Initiates Deep Conversations

Meaningful, deep conversations are often a sign of romantic interest. If the person initiates discussions about your future together, your values, and your emotional connection, it indicates they are invested in a deeper level of intimacy.

15. They Make You a Priority

Ultimately, someone who is truly interested in you will make you a priority in their life. They'll be willing to adjust their schedule, compromise, and make sacrifices to nurture the relationship.


Deciphering whether someone is genuinely and romantically interested in you can be a challenging endeavor.

It's important to remember that people express their feelings differently, and not everyone exhibits all the same signs.

However, by paying attention to their actions, consistency, and openness, you can gain valuable insights into their true intentions.

It’s also important to recognize any red flags or alarm bells in a relationship to know if this is a partnership you should try and avoid.

Trust your instincts and communicate openly about your expectations and feelings to ensure a healthy and fulfilling romantic connection.