Ever found yourself questioning whether your partner genuinely loves you and sees a future together? Sometimes, it's not just about love but other factors that keep them in the relationship. They might rely on you financially, fear being alone, or worry about their chances of having children. So, are you stuck in a holding pattern while they wait for something else?

Let's find out by looking for signs of real love.

They Care About Your Happiness

Real love means your partner puts your happiness first. They'll make sacrifices to see you smile and take an interest in your hobbies, even if they're not into them. This shows they're serious about a future with you.

They Support Your Growth

A loving partner wants to see you become the best version of yourself. They'll cheer you on and help you reach your goals, just like they want to improve themselves.

They're Open and Trustworthy

As your relationship grows, they'll open up to you and share personal stuff. If they keep things from you, they might not see a future with you. Trust means sharing everything - the good, the bad, and the secret dreams.

They Celebrate Your Relationship

In a loving relationship, special days like anniversaries and birthdays are a big deal. Your partner will make them special with sweet gestures and thoughtful romantic gifts, showing how much they value your relationship.

They Include You in Decisions

Your opinion matters to them, especially in important decisions like career moves or big purchases. They won't make choices without consulting you because they see you as a crucial part of their life.

They Introduce You to Family

If your partner loves you, they'll want you to meet their family and be part of family gatherings. It's a sign that they're proud of you and want you to be part of their life completely.

They're Affectionate

Once they feel secure in your relationship, they'll openly show affection. Whether it's holding hands or leaving sweet notes, they'll express their love for you without hesitation.

They Want to Spend Time Together

A loving partner wants to be with you all the time. They'll eagerly agree to move in together and introduce you to their friends, showing they want to share their life with you.

You Plan Vacations Together

They'll adjust their plans to match yours, making sure you spend holidays and vacations together. It's all about being together rather than doing things separately.

They Talk About Marriage

If this topic is important to them, they'll discuss marriage with you. They might even start planning the wedding, showing they see you as their forever partner.

They Talk About Starting a Family

They'll openly discuss having kids and want to know your thoughts on the matter. It's a sign they're thinking about a future with you.


If your relationship doesn't show these signs of deep love and commitment, it's time to think about its future. If you're unsure about finding a meaningful relationship based on mutual respect, it might be worth examining your relationship patterns. Understanding them can help you attract and maintain more loving relationships in the future.