22nd wedding anniversary gift ideas

Here you can see the most well-known themes connected with the 22nd anniversary. You can choose any of these colors, themes or ideas to give the recipient an anniversary gift that matches their own style.

Copper mugs for 22nd anniversary

 Modern Gift Theme: Copper

Copper is a symbol of prosperity, strength and beauty. Malleable and yielding, it signifies the way a couple can accommodate each other after so many years, while reflecting their passion through its conducting nature.

Gemstone: Spinel

Color: Green

Flower: None

Some Popular Modern Gift Ideas

• Homewares made from copper such as a vase, goblet, mug, dish, bowl, pitcher, jug, clock, flowerpot or candle holder

• Copper figurine or sculpture

• Spinel jewelry such as a bracelet, necklace, earrings or ring


Here we offer anniversary gift ideas for the next 5 years:

23rd wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  24th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  25th wedding anniversary gift ideas  | 

26th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  27th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |