2nd wedding anniversary gift ideas

You will find here all the main gift themes connected with the second wedding anniversary. Note that you need not adhere to any particular theme when choosing a gift for your loved one as there are many options to select from. 

Traditional Gift Theme: Cotton

2nd anniversary cotton theme

The durability and versatility of cotton reflects these key qualities within a successful and happy marriage. Couples celebrating this anniversary should show adaptability to any changes that arise. Like cotton's interwoven fibers, during the 2nd year of marriage, a couple grows closer as their lives entwine.

Modern Gift Theme: China

Like love within a happy marriage, china is both elegant and beautiful, yet fragile and easily broken if mishandled. This contemporary 2nd anniversary theme emphasizes how couples must continue to care deeply for each other throughout their relationship.

Flower:  Lily of the Valley; Cosmos.

** A red rose is also suitable in representation of the 2nd anniversary color.

The lily of the valley has a meaning of trustworthiness, happiness, humility and purity. The recipient should understand such a gift to mean that they have made the giver's life complete.

The cosmos flower has earned a reputation as a blossom that denotes love. In Greek origins, the name of this blossom means ornamental beauty and orderliness, and even its appearance exudes such attributes as modesty, wholeness and peacefulness.

Gemstone: Garnet

Substitution: Rose Quartz

Color: Red

Popular Ideas for Traditional Gifts

• Cotton gloves

• Clothing made from cotton such as a T shirt

• Canvas book bag or shopping bag

• Cotton napkins, place mats or tablecloth

• Cotton towels

• Cotton socks

• Cotton bandanas or handkerchiefs

• His and Hers bathrobes made from cotton

• Egyptian cotton pillowcases and sheets

Popular Ideas for Modern Gifts

• China homewares such as a mug, vase, bowl, jug, plant, flowerpot or pitcher

• China sculpture or figurine

• Garnet jewelry such as a necklace, ring, earrings or bracelet

• Rose quartz jewelry as the alternate gemstone linked with the 2nd year of marriage

• Red Glazed Eternity Rose or Dark-Red Glazed Eternity Rose (symbolic of the color red which represents the 2nd wedding anniversary)

• Gifts with a floral theme that involves lilies of the valley or the cosmos (such as scented candles, perfume, a plant or an art print)

• A bouquet of lilies of the valley or cosmos blossoms


Here we present a video of our Red Glazed Eternity Rose


Below are the next 5 anniversary year gift themes so you can plan ahead:

3rd wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  4th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |  5th wedding anniversary gift ideas  |   

6th wedding anniversary gift ideas  | 7th wedding anniversary gift ideas